Product Feedback Program Old

Want free products shipped to you for free and get paid $15 to give us a review of those products? We connect companies looking for reviews for their new products to people willing to help give reviews in exchange for free products and compensation. Here’s how our program works:

  1. Fill out the application form below to apply
  2. We’ll send you free product offers that you qualify for
  3. We’ll ship the free product(s) to you for free straight to your doorstep. 
  4. Give a review of the product and get paid $15 and you get to keep the product(s) for free
  5. We’ll keep sending you more free products and pay for your feedback as long as you provide quality feedback

We send free product offers on a first come first serve basis as there are always limited quantities available so apply now. 

Application Form

Please fill the form out as much as possible. Your answers will determine your eligibility for products.

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